ARANEO在拉丁文中的意思是“蜘蛛网”,知蛛致力于创建一张连接整个海内外优秀青年学者的“网”。在求学过程中,我们都曾遇到过许多挑战。令人烦恼的不仅是不清楚该往什么方向去努力,更是不确定现在所做的努力是否真的值得。知蛛抱着解决此般困境的野心,想为广大知识群体带来最优质的信息和资源。 ARANEO means "cobweb" in Latin. We are committed to build a web that connects young scholars across China and the world. Through our academic and personal journeys, we all have encountered numerous challenges. While facing those obstacles, it is easy to lose that sense of direction and start doubting if all the efforts were really worthwhile. ARANEO is determined to solve such a dilemma by providing the best resources and the most insightful information.